In the Pinc, launched in 2010, is a business development and growth membership program for women entrepreneurs who are currently working an active business and achieving results, but desire to learn more and create new strategies to help facilitate revenue increase and business growth.

Just like any entrepreneur, coaches need coaches too.

If I have to say so myself, deciding to join Coaching In the Pinc and work with me is a great choice. I not only come with over three decades of business building, with 24 of those years in my own business, I come with an unquestionable business track record, loaded with skill and experience, working with businesses from startup to industry standouts. Unlike a lot of the new age business coaches, I stick to what I know works...I do not focus on money, I focus on partnering with you, helping you build a solid business, on a strong foundation, ready and capable of the success you desire.

Yes, you deserve the success you desire. But, without being clear on key components of your life, marriage/relationship, family, and coaching businesses, you can land in nothing but unnecessary confusion, frustration, disappointment, and burnout.

Working with a business coach, either one to one or in a group setting, can be invaluable to women entrepreneurs seeking success, HOWEVER, let me be crystal clear...working with a business coach is not an instant solution and does not bring automatic business success. Entrepreneurs who work with me are still required to show up and you are required to do the work. Like experienced business coach, I'll help you become more focus, set clearer and more strategic goals, map out next steps that make sense, create plans of action, execute, and assess, so that you not only get the business results you desire, but that you understand how you got them.

Coaching In the Pinc is a 6-month, online and offline, group coaching program, designed to prepare women business, life, family, and marriage/relationship coaches to rock out in their industries, with unquestionable uniqueness, clarity, and confidence.

No matter how smart you are, you should not ever believe that you can build your business in isolation, free of accepting and moving into challenge and change. When entrepreneurs are working all by themselves, leaning on "Googling and Guessing", too much time is wasted; in that time wasted, self doubt, frustration and burnout can creep in.  

Coaching In the Pinc is going to bring you out of isolation. You'll be provided with targeted business coaching, challenge, accountability, and business building and business resource information, all to help you become more clear, confident, and consistent. 

Coaching In the Pinc is for women coaches on all levels. This program will most definitely challenge you, not only to be your best YOU, but Coaching In the Pinc will challenge your focus, dedication, and thinking, plus, will encourage you to become unafraid of "digging deeper", no longer settling for quick-fix, cookie cutter, or weak success strategies. 

CLARITY and CONFIDENCE as a coach, teacher, and leader.

CLARITY in the products and services you offer in your coaching business.

CONFIDENCE in your pricing, content and marketing.

CONSISTENCY in how you show up and engage your audience of buyers and potential buyers.

Coaching In the Pinc's Focus:

  • Brand Building & Development
  • Target Buyer Profiles
  • Audience Building & Audience Engagement Online/Offline
  • Products and Services (Creation)
  • Pricing
  • Social Media
  • (Mind) Positioning
  • Client Acquisition and Client Retention
  • Sales (Growth)
  • Hosting Workshops and Conferences
  • Radio, Podcast, & Internet Showcases
  • Team (Implementation, Management, and Growth)

6-Month Program Agenda

With the exception of the monthly 1:1 business coaching sessions, all training and training information will be provided via video, posted content, and graphics. All content will be in simple, easy to follow, step by step form. 


  • Self Development Post
  • Coaching Business and Coaching Client Tips
  • Resource Posts
  • Opportunity Posts - Speaking and Guest Facilitating


  • Each week, one coaching business building and growth challenge will be posted in the group. 


5th of the Month:

  • A monthly video workshop will be uploaded into the private Facebook.  
  • Downloadable worksheets will also be uploaded into the Facebook group. 
  • 45 minutes of individual - 1:1 coaching 

Coaching In the Pinc is not for everyone and may not be for you, if: 

- You are unhealed and "faking it 'til you make it".

- You are unwilling to be coachable. 

- You do not respect commitment. 

- You are looking for info to copy so you can start your own coaching program.

- You are unwilling to make and be dedicated to your investment (of self and dollars). 

- You are unwilling to be open and honest about your work ethic and state of your business.

- You are unwilling to shift (if and when required).

- You are only looking for a quick fix to making quick money. 

- You compare yourself.  

- You make excuses when you should be looking for solutions.

- You wanna collect nuggets from multiple business coaches, in place of investing in coaching clarity.

- You wanna keep listening to friends and family, who, have never built a successful business. 

- You are not open-minded and believe that everyone has to think, feel, act, vote and believe as you do.

In the Pinc  IS  for you if: 

- You are ready to evict yourself out of your comfort zone.

- You are ready to stop being your own biggest obstacle.

- You are ready to unapologetically be the best.

- You are ready to possess and stay in control of your power.  

- You are ready to shed the fear of what others think.

-You are ready to stop making excuses.

-You are ready to accept the challenge of building a business. 

-You are ready to create high valued products and services for prospects who value solutions to their problems. 

-You are ready to generate revenues that build into profitability. 

What will be expected from you in the In the Pinc environment:  

- To be positive about your success dreams and journey.

- To stay confidently strong and positive about your success.

- To be open and willing to learn new things.

- To operate in an Accountability Mindset.

- To learn how to keep your brand and your brand messages alive and TOTM of your audience of potential buyers.

- To set (and even reset) goals, create strategies and structured, well thought out plans of execution.

- To remove the fear of "what if".

- To be bold enough to be confidently unique.

- To hop into your reality and fall in love with it.

- To stop comparing yourself to what others have staged out in their insecurities, for you.

- To not allow anyone or anything, including YOU, to trick you out of your success.

In addition: 

 - In the Pinc members will have one product or service special to provide to buyers.

        These specials will be marketed monthly via In the Pinc emails, website and social media platforms. 

Please Note: Coaching In the Pinc is for women life and business coach entrepreneurs only.

The Ree Williams Development Group, LLC (TRWDG), welcomes anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, to support and partner in TRWDG's efforts of encouraging, educating and empowering ready women, helping them to become successful entrepreneurs by affording them access to valuable business information, tools and resources. 

Note 1:  Coaching In the Pinc is an online group coaching program that runs from Cycle 1: January 1 - June 30, 2024 FULL and again from 

Cycle 2: July 8 - December 31, 2024.  Prospective members must join and be paid in full NLT than December 20, 2023. No members will be allowed to join after this date. 

 Here's how you can become a member of Coaching In the Pinc

-Each member is responsible for paying their program membership of $5,500.00 -  Program fee can be paid in no more than 4 consecutive monthly payments. 

-Each member will be issued a progressive payment invoice whether paying in full or opting for the up to 4 payment plan option. 

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: There will be no payment refunds. If you opt to make payments on your membership and you stop paying, you will not be refunded any money already paid. Each member will be issued a separate form where a signature of acknowledgement will be required. 


This program is only open to 10 women entrepreneurs