I have sat back and watched the happenings that go on day to day in the women's business owner environment and I don't like what I see. 

I see fluff, fanfare, unnecessary glitz, glam - fancy and flim flam.  

And I see women needing a place, an outlet, that's not all about views, likes, and shares...but a place where they can speak, be heard and get real information so they can forge into getting real results to life and business questions and needs. 

I'm a creator, I don't wait around for others to create what I know I need and what I know is much needed. So here's my new forum. The goal of "4 for Talking"...is to be a sense making environment where women, from all walks of life, can come together and share, learn, understand and even begin to get bold enough to heal. 

"4 For Talking" is a monthly conversation forum focused on provocative topics that reflects real life issues that can adversely affect the business building journeys of real women. Topics of discussion will be "in your face" topics and issues that we all know exists, but no one's willing to discuss...we are not allowing that big ass elephant to have a seat in the room any longer. 

The Monthly Format: 

  • Every 3rd Saturday: 

   -March 18th

   -April 15th

   -May 20th

   -June 17th

   -July 15th

   -August 19th

   -September 16th

   -October 21st

   -November 18th

   -December 16th

  • 4 Women Entrepreneurs
  • Getting Together Monthly To Discuss A Variety of Challenging  Topics (Monthly agendas created      by all 4 panel members - each month.
  • Live Via Zoom - Links will be given each month to panel member to shared on each panel                 members social media. 

