Let’s build some business magic together!
Get ready for Take Ten 2025, the ultimate online building ground for up to 10 fiercely ReeMarkable women entrepreneurs! Yes, it's time to stir the pot and unleash your one-of-a-kind, unapologetic entrepreneurial superpowers!
Join this powerhouse group - designed for women who are hungry for knowledge, ready for growth, and totally fearless when it comes to plotting their paths to success.
Take Ten 2025 members will gain access to:
- Weekly motivational emails delivered directly to your inbox.
- Monthly online or video workshops
- Guest Facilitators
- Monthly Goal Assessments and Followups
- Quarterly 1:1 Strategy/Coaching Sessions
- Quarterly Group Mastermind Sessions
- 2025 Business Building Binder (mailed to you!)
- Access to business building resource information
- Access to out of group webinars and business opportunities
- Discount access to the 2026 3-Day Business Building Reetreat

Take Ten 2025 is not for everyone and may not be for you, if:
- You are unwilling to be coachable.
- You are looking for info to copy so you can start your own coaching program.
- You are unwilling to make a committed investment (self and dollars).
- You are unwilling to be open and honest about your work ethic and state of your business.
- You are unwilling to shift (if and when required).
- You are only looking for a quick fix to making quick money.
- You want to play the "blame everyone game".
- You make excuses when you should be looking for solutions.
- You wanna collect nuggets from multiple business coaches, in place of investing in coaching clarity.
- You wanna keep listening to friends and family, who, have never built a successful business.
- You are not open-minded and believe that everyone has to think, feel, act, vote and believe as you do.
Take Ten 2025 IS for you if:
- You are ready to evict yourself out of your comfort zone.
- You are ready to stop being your own biggest obstacle.
- You are ready to unapologetically be the best.
- You are ready to possess and stay in control of your power.
- You are ready to shed the fear of what others think.
-You are ready to stop making excuses.
-You are ready to accept the challenge of building a business.
-You are ready to create high valued products and services for prospects who value solutions to their problems.
-You are ready to generate revenues that build into profitability.
What will be expected from you in the Take Ten 2025 environment:
- To be positive about your success dreams and journey.
- To stay confidently strong and positive about your success.
- To be open and willing to learn new things.
- To operate in an Accountability Mindset.
- To learn how to keep your brand and your brand messages alive and TOTM of your audience of potential buyers.
- To set (and even reset) goals, create strategies and structured, well thought out plans of execution.
- To remove the fear of "what if".
- To be bold enough to be confidently unique.
- To hop into your reality and fall in love with it.
- To stop comparing yourself to what others have staged out in their insecurities, for you.
- To not allow anyone or anything, including YOU, to trick you out of your success.

Here's how you can become a member of Take Ten 2025:
Each member is responsible for paying their annual membership fee of $2,849 (your membership can be paid in full or paid through a monthly subscription).
Credit or debit card is required. If you select the monthly subscription option, there are absolutely no options to pay manually each month.
With the monthly subscription option, your membership fee will be automatically deducted, each month, for the duration of your membership.
Once your membership is initiated you will be responsible for paying the monthly membership fee, even if you choose, for any reason, to no longer be a part of the program. Anyone who leaves the group and fails to maintain payments will be turned over to Summit Account Collections and collection efforts will continue until all monies are collected.
**RIGHT OF REFUSAL: The Ree Williams Development Group, LLC has the right to refuse anyone's acceptance into Take Ten 2025. Take Ten 2025 is under no obligation to give an explanation for refusing membership to any individual. If you are refused membership, you are more than welcome to submit for membership in the future.
**There are absolutely no refunds on any fees and/or funds paid toward Take Ten 2025 Membership. No exceptions.

Please Note: Take Ten 2025 is an online business building community for women entrepreneurs only.
The Ree Williams Development Group, LLC (TRWDG), welcomes anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, to support and partner in TRWDG's efforts of encouraging, educating and empowering ready women, helping them to become successful entrepreneurs by affording them access to valuable business information, tools and resources.