When you find yourself without weekend plans, don't just stay in – make plans to take your business out on the town!
Check out three tips that will not only get you and your business out of the house but also give you an opportunity to promote your brand, create some environmental content, and identify potential B2B and B2C opportunities.

It's a great time to get out and about around your local community.
To Do #1: Create environmental content...that's just a fancy way of saying, "Create content outside."
Go for it...don't be afraid to set up your tripod in various locations, getting great pictures and video content that you can share with your audience on social media, use in your marketing (material), or website. Be confidently creative and have a blast!
It's a great time to get out and about around your local community.
To Do #2: Drive around your city and identify small businesses and organizations that you can research, connect with, build relationships with, and do business with.
If you don't have the time during the week because you work a 9to5 job or your business keeps you busy, Saturday's often times means less traffic on the city streets and are a great day to drive around to discover who's who in your business neighborhood.
It's a great time to get out and about around your local community.
To Do #3: Be a social and recognized brand. Local community events are also a great way to be seen by community members, to connect and build relationships.
Local community events bring out the who's who in your community. Put on your branded tshirt or polo shirt and meet and mingle.

I always hear the same sentiment from 99% of the female entrepreneurs I mentor and assist: "CoachRee, I'm sharing content but not seeing results."
Keep reading each picture block to gain insights into why your content marketing efforts might not be producing results and to expand your comprehension of content marketing.